Thursday, April 30, 2009

I knew it would end this way...

It is almost 3am in Indiana and I sit at my computer trying to come up with a review of X Men Origins: Wolverine. I will give a brief review but first a little background...

I got my first Wolverine comic (Issue#34) at Martins Supermarket on Portage. I read it, loved it and demanded more. Over then next few years I collected current, back issues, graphic novels, one shots and guest appearances of my favorite mutant. While other characters have come along, none have effected me like mutant who is the best at what he does. I have waiting almost 19 years for this movie.

I knew I would be disappointed a couple weeks ago. I love the internet and movies and thanks to "The Mist", I will always check the movie spoilers. However the spoilers for this move were written in the X-Men movie trilogy. Though I will contend that Sabertooth played by Lieve Schrieber is as close to the comic character of Sabertooth as we will ever see. I don't want to get too off topic... I read alot about the movie... the reshoots, the internet leak and then the really poor reviews.
So today as I sat in the theatre, I sat through previews for Terminator (I am over it, bring on the apocalypse) and Transformers (I get it, cars turn into robots and ... no I still don't care) I felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe this would turn out all right...

It isn't all right. It isn't all bad. It's not Elektra or Punisher 2, but it is not Iron Man or Spiderman (any of them). I am posting a link to Marverl Comics website that gives you the origin of Wolverine...

Read this, imagine it as a movie because thats better than the alternative. I am not going to go into detail about the movie or its "plot". It makes little sense and I won't defend it.

Things I like about the movie... Hugh Jackman is Wolverine, he deserved better. Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, appearance to brief and character deserved a better fate. Liev Schrieber as Sabertooth. Suprisngly Will.M.I or however you say it as John Wraith, was interesting and left me wanting to spend more time with the character. I liked the opening title sequence alot. the bad. The script, directing, some of the effects and the pointless scene at the end of the credits (What was the point?) My hope is that if by some act of God (and thats what it will take to get a sequel made) there is a sequel that Fox sells the movie rights back to Marvel, they get a talented writer and director to put together a movie that isn't a chorus line of mutant cameos and has a coherent plot. Oh and Tayor Kitchs or whatever the guys name is that plays Gambit. I don't like Gambit, he is kind of a lame character and has a hideous costume. There is a special place in hell for this guys performance. Hey Taylor, you D-Bag, at least ATTEMPT the cajun accent.

All that said. I would see it again and I will own it on DVD. Why? Because I love Wolverine. The character has a beautiful tragic background and he is a hardcore anti-hero. He is my hands down favorite character in any media and I would watch him in anything, even this. It isn't terrible, it isn't good... it just is. Rent it. Sorry Logan, I have to keep it real.

Check out my book at

Mothers day and Fathers day are rapidly approaching, know somebody that likes vampires, violence and a good story? Tell them about the book!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4:30am? Might as well blog...

I should be asleep but Big Al was afraid of grizzly bears so here I am. Her sleeping soundly in my bed and me here at the computer. Is it fair? No. Fatherhood isn't about fairness now is it?

Champions-Online has a release date! On 7/14/09 I will be anxiously waiting and cursing the fact that I skipped work so much I can't skip that day to play. Not that I would play the entire day because I am married and married people can't completely crack out on a new game. I can only crack out in spurts... it's about two hours at a time. So, I will get the game upon its release, play as much I can and plan ahead for a complete crack out day. The game looks completely bad ass btw but will it be fun?

Wolverine opens Friday! Will I attempt a midnight showing... yes. I will brave the one local case of swine flu and the potential disappointment of it being sold out upon my arrival. Like I have said before, Wolverine is one of those characters that is easy to screw up because his background is drama heavy and convoluted. I will post a full review. My guess is it will be no Dark Knight, which is fine, because for a good as that was, I enjoyed Iron Man more.

Swine flu is scary and legit. Please take it that way. If you have symptoms, see a doctor and stay home.

I am going to get a little political. I am do not care if you are pro-life or not. I don't have a uterus so I don't feel like I am in a position to speak about what I would do. All that being said, I want people to stop driving around my town with pictures of dead fetuses on the side of trucks an flying over ahead dragging banners of the same pictures. Really? Seriously?

It's Wednesday and I have to work but it's only today and tomorrow and then it's Wolverine Weekend with some tee ball and a little pinch and tickle with the Mrs. thrown in. I also am going to start a new book this weekend. MY first novel is on sale here, scope it out and support your independent authors...

God Bless you and God bless America.

Monday, April 20, 2009

420...smoke em' if ya got em!

I am back to blog... Grammar and spelling are optional in my blog, FYI and I made an error in my inaugral blog... Wolverine comes out May 1, I am off of work that day and as soon as I know when the midnight shows are and the 1st matinee is, I will be there.... Oh yes...

Ever read an article that makes you want to shake someone, well I did today! Here is the link...,2933,517185,00.html and please take a moment to read it... go ahead I will wait. Done? Awesome.
This article is symptomatic of the problems with medicine in America, dare I say society as a whole. Why is everything a disease? 1 out of 10 gamers are "hardcore" and are "addicted". I would like them to do another study but just on the 10%. Test the 10% and see what percentage are people who want to just screw with the survey, because if the survey was done online, you know that happened. Oh and test what portion of these "addicts" that are mouth breathing socially backward lumps of Mountain Dew and Funions who will never A) see a naked woman in person with out paying for it of B) have no clue how to act around normal people. Maybe they preffer the game to their lives? Maybe they are bored? I think people like this have enough lables heaped on them by "normal" society... lets not make it worse.

My book is available, if you love me check it out at my wonderful wife is going to create a Facebook fan page for it. I will blog about how F'n hard that will rock when it happens. She rocks, though I do feel bad for her, after all her husband is a d-bag.

Champions-Online is still not out, so I am still playing City of Heroes which is fine, it's a fun game. The new player generated content is very cool and guys like me who ran table top RPGs for over a decade love it. I will give Champions-Online (CO) a chance when it comes out, it already has an edge over CoH (City of Heroes) however, the COH community is awesome. Especially all the people at the Cape Radio. Always fun and friendly and slightly subversive at times...still when I make my final exit from CoX it will be with fond memories. Don't ask me for my stuff. Whoever said you can't take it with you is full of crap.

Shout out to Lil Joe from work, Nueman (Sorry your dead inside) and my #1 fan Dave. As glamourus as this blog as been I need to close out this installment but fear not. I very well may do it again tomorrow, oh and to my one follower... YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Blog ever!

Greetings internet!
This is my first blog, though I can hardly believe it myself. Here I am...blogging.
Just think a couple years back I didn't know what blogging was. So let me tell you a bit about me and what you can expect from my blog. I don't know if I will blog everyday but I will try and do it weekly...

My wife and daughter are wonderful and beautiful, I will talk about them from time to time, mostly cute stories. Nothing dirty about me and the wife, unless I can come up with a clever euphemism for when we do the dirty.

I am a giant nerd, both physically and in my love of all things nerds love. Comics, sci-fi movies, video games ((MMOs specifically) etc. I do like sports... well I like Notre Dame football, but past that I watch when it is interesting or socially expected.

I have a lot of unpopular opinions which I will share from time to time. I will comment on news of the day or celebrity gossip or television shows I like.

I play the MMORPG called City of Heroes/Villains and I am looking forward to Champions Online. I will occasionally mention all the stuff going on there and as it develops...

My biggest thing is that I want to be a writer. I have written two novels... one finished and available at

The other is being edited. It's about super humans and all that jazz. All that jazz... the internet should reach out and punch me in the face.

I am on twitter and Facebook... follow me on twitter, @Stanito is my handle...if you follow me I will say all sorts of useless stuff all the time.

Well... Anything else?? Didn't think so...Wolverine comes out Friday...I will be blogging about the movie and in between.

I am out like trout!