Ever read an article that makes you want to shake someone, well I did today! Here is the link... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,517185,00.html and please take a moment to read it... go ahead I will wait. Done? Awesome.
This article is symptomatic of the problems with medicine in America, dare I say society as a whole. Why is everything a disease? 1 out of 10 gamers are "hardcore" and are "addicted". I would like them to do another study but just on the 10%. Test the 10% and see what percentage are people who want to just screw with the survey, because if the survey was done online, you know that happened. Oh and test what portion of these "addicts" that are mouth breathing socially backward lumps of Mountain Dew and Funions who will never A) see a naked woman in person with out paying for it of B) have no clue how to act around normal people. Maybe they preffer the game to their lives? Maybe they are bored? I think people like this have enough lables heaped on them by "normal" society... lets not make it worse.
My book is available, if you love me check it out at http://www.lulu.com/conten
Champions-Online is still not out, so I am still playing City of Heroes which is fine, it's a fun game. The new player generated content is very cool and guys like me who ran table top RPGs for over a decade love it. I will give Champions-Online (CO) a chance when it comes out, it already has an edge over CoH (City of Heroes) however, the COH community is awesome. Especially all the people at the Cape Radio. Always fun and friendly and slightly subversive at times...still when I make my final exit from CoX it will be with fond memories. Don't ask me for my stuff. Whoever said you can't take it with you is full of crap.
Shout out to Lil Joe from work, Nueman (Sorry your dead inside) and my #1 fan Dave. As glamourus as this blog as been I need to close out this installment but fear not. I very well may do it again tomorrow, oh and to my one follower... YOU ARE AWESOME!!!
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